How we teach maths



At Clawton we aspire to help all our children acquire a love for learning Maths and to give them the skills, knowledge, understanding and confidence to be able to explain and apply their mathematical knowledge.  We aim to ensure all children are fluent in the fundamentals of Mathematics.

We believe that Mathematics teaches us how to make sense of the world around us through developing a child’s ability to calculate, to reason and to solve problems. We want children to experience of the beauty of Maths in nature.

We are developing our Mathematics Curriculum using a mastery approach to ensure every child can achieve their full potential.



We follow the National Curriculum to ensure progression and coverage in Mathematics across the whole school. Our progression in maths is spiralling, using White Rose objectives, building on previous learning each lesson.

Materials from NCETM and other mastery materials such as NRICH are used to challenge and extend breadth and depth across the school.

We inspire the pre-schoolers to become masters in maths with focus numbers to 5 with corresponding shape and pattern. We also focus on 5 areas across the year – counting and cardinality, pattern, shape and shape, measure and composition. In Reception, a range of representations and resources are used to support the EYFS Curriculum for Maths, including NCTEM and NRICH. Children have access to representations and resources throughout the school to support a sustainable and deep understanding of maths.

Children complete daily Tough Ten arithmetic questions throughout the year, developing fluency. These are introduced during Year 1.

All children in each year group in each class are working on the same maths objective at the same time and individual needs are met in various ways including one to one support, differentiated tasks, use of manipulatives, targeted interventions and pre-teaching.

All teachers promote a ‘Growth Mindset’ approach to Maths and reinforce an expectation that all children are capable of achieving high standards in Mathematics.

Maths Subject Leader

The Maths Subject Leader has the responsibility of ensuring the curriculum is delivered across the school as is stated above.

The Subject Leader regularly meets with children across the school, with their books, to discuss their learning and progress as well as their feelings about the subject.  The Subject Leader carries out monitoring of work in books, each half term, to ensure progression in skills and knowledge across the school.

Each term the Subject Leader attends meetings with Maths Leaders from across the MAT as part of termly Maths Hub meetings. The learning and resources are then shared with the rest of the staff, ensuring continuing professional development.



Children will be able to explain their maths using full sentences.  Children will be able to complete STEM sentences to show their understanding of the Maths they are learning.

Children will be confident in knowing which equipment to choose and which representations are required to help them solve a problem.

Children use a range of learning styles: working cooperatively, collaboratively and independently.

Children understand the importance of Maths in everyday life.

The large majority of children progress through the curriculum content at the same pace.

Children enjoy their Maths learning, are confident in the subject and reach their full potential.