The Local Offer or Summary of Provision for children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) at Clawton Primary School
The school values all pupils regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual identity, physical ability or educational need. Where children have an extra need, physical, educational or emotional, we do our very best to facilitate learning as well as supporting their general well-being.
We believe in order to achieve this we must work in partnership with parents as well as others support agencies or services e.g. medical, CAMHS, social services etc.
We have in our school children who have a wide variety of learning difficulties and or physical difficulties. We are always developing, training and equipping our staff to be more expert whilst working with children with a range of additional needs.
We have a number of experienced support staff that work, under close direction from the class teacher, supporting children who need extra help.
We have a teacher with the SENDCO Award and have access to several highly qualified teachers across our partnership who specialise in Dyslexia and the Autistic Spectrum Condition.
We work closely with other specialist services e.g. Behaviour Support Team, Physiotherapists, School Nurse, Psychologists and Speech Therapists etc.
We aim for all clubs and visits provided; before, or after school and at lunchtime to be all-inclusive.
Over the next year we intend to ensure that our new website is developed so that it is easier access and more informative for all including SEND
During the academic year there is further training planned for all staff and governors on the current Devon and our school provision and on specific areas e.g. Quality data-led interventions for SEND, Autism Awareness and Dyslexia etc.
The school is looking to ensure that there is accessible toilet provision for Badger Class and better provision for Hedgehog Class to include new washroom and in the future disability provision.
The school has been re-organised in the resource area, classrooms and library to ensure better access to equipment and resources.
Our presentation below shows further information on the SEND pathway
Local Offer within Devon
Clawton Primary School is committed to ensuring all children have the best possible start to life, some children may need additional support through their education. To support schools and parents in Devon County Council provide a ‘Local Offer’ which can be found via the link below. The Local Offer website provides information and access to a range of services for children and young people between the ages of 0-25 years.
Devon’s SEND Local Offer is the education, health and social care services and support for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) from birth to 25.