Newsletter 16th December 2022

Clawton Primary School Newsletter | 16/12/2022   Dear Parents/ Carers, It has been a wonderful couple of weeks leading up to the Christmas period with lots of festive based learning happening and some fabulous singing echoing out across the classrooms. I am sure you will agree with me that the Christmas Service on Wednesday demonstrated…

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2nd December 2022

Dear Parents/ Carers,  I can’t believe that we are in December already! I hope that, for those of you that were expecting Elves, they have arrived safely and are not causing too much mischief!  I know that I am enjoying opening my advent calendar each morning to see what treats arrive and looking forward to…

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16th September News

Dear Parents/ Carers, It has been a wonderful start to term with the children settling well into their new classes and forming great relationships with new friends and teachers.  This last week has been a week of reflection, a key virtue to support us all in our development of character. It has been an opportunity…

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14th October News

Dear Parents/ Carers, It has been another exceptional two weeks at Clawton with children continuing to thrive and flourish within all areas of school life.  I have been excited by the enquiry-based learning happening in classes. Children are asking big questions and taking ownership of their own learning working together to continually develop skills and…

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